Minggu, 01 Juli 2012

Westlife - I Have A Dream

I Have A Dream, A Song To Sing
To Help Me Cope With Anything
If You See The Wonder Of A Fairy Tale
You Can Take The Future Even If You Fail
I Believe In Angels
Something Good In Everything I See
I Believe In Angels
When I Know The Time Is Right For Me
I'll Cross The Stream - I Have A Dream

I Have A Dream, A Fantasy
To Help Me Through Reality
And My Destination Makes It Worth The While
Pushing Through The Darkness Still Another Mile
I Believe In Angels
Something Good In Everything I See
I Believe In Angels

Selasa, 05 Juni 2012


1.      Before write love letter, you have to in good and romantic condition. Because this will influence your writing.

2.      Choose the best paper, envelope and pen.
3.      Start writing.
4.      Use romantic words in opening greetings of your letter, such as “Hallo, dear” or other words that you like.
5.      In the content section, write your opinion about her, your admiration to her, and tell her why she so special in your heart and why do you fall in love to her.
6.      After that, use romantic closing greetings, such as “I love you”, “I’ll


Geostrategi adalah perumusan strategi nasional dengan memperhitungkan kondisi dan konstelasi geografi sebagai faktor utamanya. Disamping itu dalam merumuskan strategi perlu memperhatikan kondisi sosial, budaya, penduduk, sumber daya alam, lingkungan regional maupun internasional. Geostrategi juga merupakan cabang dari  geopolitik yang berurusan dengan strategi.
Ketahanan Nasional Indonesia adalah kondisi dinamik bangsa  Indonesia yang meliputi segenap aspek kehidupan nasional yang
terintegrasi berisi keuletan dan ketangguhan  yang mengandung kemampuan mengembangkan kekuatan nasional dalam menghadapi dan mengatasi Ancaman, Gangguan, Hambatan. Pada hakikatnya ketahanan nasional adalah

Minggu, 03 Juni 2012


Ø  Definition
Apologies are statements saying that you are sorry for having done wrong, hurt somebody’s feeling, etc.
Ø  Some Apologies expressions      :
·         I’m Sorry!
·         Pardon..!
·         Please accept my (humblest) apology...
·         I was wrong.
·         I shouldn’t have said that.
·         My comments to you were ill-advised.
·         I made a stupid mistake...I’m genuinely sorry.
·         There is no excuse for my behavior.
·         It was not my intention to... I’m terribly sorry.
·         "I apologize, Honest and true, because I know I was wrong"
·         Please forgive me
Ø  We can apologies I different ways and in different situations, for example :